Doctor and patient in wheelchair looking at camera
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

Driving health and well-being for all Rhode Islanders

We know that your employees’ health doesn’t rest solely on medicine. It also depends on those factors called “social determinants of health," like safe housing, access to healthy food, and the quality of their communities.

BCBSRI is developing new approaches—and strengthening existing programs—to drive needed change in our state. That will help all Rhode Islanders, including your workforce.

RI Life Index

Our goal is to address the social determinants of health most important to Rhode Islanders, so we can move the needle on improving quality of life for everyone in our state, regardless of where they were born or where they live.

For many Rhode Islanders, basic needs are out of reach or increasingly unstable. That finding is reinforced by the data we obtained through the 2019 launch of the RI Life Index, a data source produced in partnership with the Brown University School of Public Health that focuses on the life factors influencing health and well-being.

Explore the RI Life Index

Community investment

Responses to the Life Index make clear that stable, affordable housing is a major concern for too many Rhode Islanders. So we have shifted the focus of our community investment to focus on local organizations committed to improving access to affordable housing.

See the investments

National collaboration

“Your health shouldn’t depend on the color of your skin or the neighborhood you live in." 
—Kim Keck, president and CEO, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

The National Health Equity Strategy developed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association relies on close collaboration with providers and local community organizations. The multi-year strategy will focus on four conditions that disproportionately affect communities of color: maternal health, behavioral health, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions.

Understand the strategy

The Association also compiles the BCBS Health Index, a source of valuable data about the impact of more than 300 conditions on Americans’ quality of life. It is powered by annual data from more than 41 million members of Blues plans around the country.

View Health Index