Support during severe weather
During difficult times like hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, we understand it might be difficult to get the care you need. We hope the following information can help.
Access to care
Members who are affected by severe weather can use our Doctors Online service for non-emergencies if you cannot get to a doctor’s office. It’s always a good idea to download the Doctors Online app from Google Play or the Apple App Store* or visit and register so it’s ready if you need it.
O Doctors Online é um serviço de telemedicina fornecido pela American Well®, uma empresa independente que administra o Doctors Online em nome da Blue Cross & Blue Shield de Rhode Island.
Members who are affected by severe weather may be able to refill their prescriptions early, for the duration of the emergency, to ensure they have access to the medications they need. Call Customer Service (below) to see if you are eligible.
Apoio ao cliente
Medicare Concierge team:
(401) 277-2958 ou 1-800-267-0439 (TTY: 711)
segunda a sexta-feira, das 8h00 às 20h00; Sábado, das 8h ao meio-dia.
(Aberto sete dias por semana, 08h00 às 20h00, 1 de outubro - 31 de março).
Pode usar o nosso sistema de atendimento automatizado fora deste horário.
Customer service for all other BCBSRI members:
Monday through Friday, 08h00 to 20h00 (Eastern Time)
Saturday and Sunday, 08h00 to noon (Eastern Time)
Our customer service team is ready to help you, including:
- Explaining your benefits
- Answering prescription medication questions
- Finding doctors, hospitals, and dialysis or other treatment centers
- Coordinating or transitioning your care
- Locating medical care and behavioral health support
Members can always access their accounts online or on their phone by downloading the myBCBSRI app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.*
Additional information
You may find useful community resources by visiting United Way 2-1-1 or dialing 2-1-1 on your phone.
*Aplicam-se as tarifas padrão da operadora móvel e uso de dados. The downloading and use of these apps is subject to the terms and conditions of the app and the online stores from which it is downloaded. Apple é uma marca comercial da Apple Inc. e App Store é uma marca de serviço da Apple Inc. Google Play é uma marca comercial da Google Inc.