1 Nov, 2021

Behavioral Health Utilization Insourced to BCBSRI

Effective 01/01/2022, BCBSRI Behavioral Health utilization and case management functions will be insourced by BCBSRI and moved away from Beacon.

Hospitals and behavioral health facilities will be required to enter Behavioral Health notifications of admission and discharge through MHK effective 01/01/2022.

You will need to ensure everyone who enters Beacon’s notifications today has access to bcbsri.com and MHK prior to the go live date. 

If you or anyone in your facility needs assistance with obtaining a username or access to MHK, please contact ProviderRelations@bcbsri.org.


More information regarding training documents and training sessions will become available towards the end of November. Training sessions will begin in early December. Please be on the lookout for an email blast with the session dates and times.