1 Jun, 2023

Lead Screening in Children

This measure will now be included in our PQIP 2023 Pediatric Measure set.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Include a lead screening reminder in your workflow for children who will be turning two years old in 2023.
  • Educate parents on the importance of lead screening.
  • CDC Resource for Lead Screening education: Lead | CDC

Reporting Data: Data for members you have screened will be shared directly with BCBSRI through KIDSNET.

Coding: It is important to code accurately when ordering a lead screening.

Codes to identify lead screening:

  • CPT Code: 83655
  • LOINC Codes: 10368-9, 10912-4, 14807-2, 17052-2, 25459-9, 27129-6, 32325-3, 5671-3, 5674-7, 77307-7

For more information on PQIP 2023, or to connect with a BCBSRI quality concierge nurse to enhance your practice’s quality processes, please reach out to QualityHEDIS@bcbsri.org