1 Dez, 2018

A note from Dr. Gus Manocchia: Medicare and Oak Street Health and Medicare

In many of my Provider Update columns, I tie the topic of the column back to one of our principle aspirations at Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island – making high-quality, affordable healthcare available to Rhode Islanders. During the last three years alone, we’ve invested nearly $75 million in primary care in our state, understanding that primary care is at the heart of accessibility and affordability. We recognize, however, that we must do more to improve access for one population in particular, a cohort that is growing and that often requires more complex care because of multiple chronic conditions – Medicare-eligible Rhode Islanders.

Last month, BCBSRI announced an innovative partnership with Oak Street Health, a network of primary care centers
serving Medicare patients, to open three primary care centers in spring 2019. Two of them will be in Providence (Branch
Avenue and Broad Street) and one in Warwick (Quaker Lane).

Oak Street Health will bring a unique care model to the centers, one focused exclusively on adults with Medicare coverage. Oak Street Health physicians, along with dedicated care teams, typically spend twice as much time with patients compared to the typical primary care practice. In fact, they pride themselves on making every visit to the doctor a “great experience." They also offer complimentary door-to-door transportation for patients, and an Oak Street Health-staffed telephonic support line is available 24-7. Oak Street Health, based in Chicago, has opened primary care centers in Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Pennsylvania. The payment model is entirely “value based."

Our decision to partner with Oak Street Health is designed to augment the work that we have already done and continue to do with the provider community. We remain committed to working with all Rhode Island providers to develop programs that focus on patient-centered, cost-effective care. More information about our Oak Street Health partnership can be found here.

In the coming months, you will hear more from me about our updated PCP Quality Incentive Program for 2019 and about steps we are taking to help meaningfully inform members about the quality and cost efficiency ratings of PCPs and specialists. As always, I welcome your feedback and your suggestions. Wishing you and your families a very happy holiday season.